The medical train, which will be used to serve the country for emergencies and disasters, was built by Trenitalia (FS Italiane Group) in the Voghera Cyclic Maintenance Workshops in collaboration with the Department of Civil Protection and the Regional Emergency and Urgency Agency of the Lombardia (AREU).
The train can have the function of transporting patients to other areas of Italy or abroad to lighten the pressure on hospital structures, as well as representing an integration to the local health service for the management of emergencies, in case of use as a medical post Advanced.
The use of the train is defined by an agreement signed by Trenitalia, the Department of Civil Protection and AREU.
Description of the train
The train consists of eight carriages and two locomotives positioned at the head and tail of the convoy.
The carriages are divided as follows:
- three medical carriages with intensive care beds for invasively ventilated patients;
- two technical carriages necessary for the operation of the medical equipment and, in particular, to house the generators that create an independent power system for the healthcare equipment;
- two carriages, one with beds for staff and the second designed for technical-health coordination and for the filter area necessary for the passage between the clean area and the operational area;
- a warehouse carriage for the transport of all materials and medical devices.
Main characteristics of the train
The train was designed to offer a level of healthcare up to intensive care, including biocontainment, with the possibility of integrating other carriages with additional medical-health functions.
Each of the three medical carriages can transport up to seven patients for a total of 21 available positions. These carriages are managed by specialized healthcare personnel, technical-logistic and management staff for a maximum of 45 operators.
Sanitary equipment
The train has the minimum equipment necessary to manage any type of emergency or disaster as follows:
- 21 lung ventilators;
- 1 ultrasound machine;
- 2 blood gas analyzers;
- 21 monitors, aspirators and other equipment;
- 3 monitoring stations.
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