HospitalitySud, the third edition in Naples

Naples will once again host the third edition of HospitalitySud, the exhibition dedicated to supplies and services for the hotel and non-hotel sectors which will take place on Tuesday 25 and Wednesday 26 February 2020 in Naples, at the Maritime Station.
HospitalitySud, Naples
HospitalitySud, Naples

After the first two editions (Salerno e Napoli) Of HospitalitySouth, the exhibition dedicated to supplies and services for the hotel and non-hotel sectors will still be held in Napoli in the Maritime Station on 25 and 25 February.

Insiders will be able to visit the Exhibition Hall for free to meet the companies and participate in refresher and training seminars and professional meetings on topics of interest. HospitalitySud is sponsored by the Italian Association Confindustria Alberghi and Federalberghi Napoli, takes place in collaboration with the ADA Hotel Managers Association, as well as being the official event of the EHMA European Hotel Managers Association.

HospitalitySouth, conceived and organized by Leader srl, is in fact the only event in the South for operators in the Ho.Re.Ca. world, in particular: hotels, resorts, villas, historic homes, relais, country houses, farmhouses, villages, camping, guest houses, bed and breakfasts, holiday homes, hostels, spas.

With the prestigious exhibition offer and the rich program of refresher and training seminars and free professional meetings held by sector experts (also the Professional Orders of Architects, Accountants, Engineers Napoli and the Order of Journalists of Campania will be protagonists with their associates who will acquire training credits), HospitalitySud is the main reference for all hospitality operators in Southern Italy.

Who cares HospitalitySouth

These are the sectors of interest: professional clothing; courtesy items, laundry, linen and table, bedroom and bathroom accessories; branding, brand reputation, customer relationship, marketing, communication; certifications, strategic consultancy, training, job offers; interior and exterior design and furnishing accessories; household appliances, consumer electronics and air conditioning; food & beverage for Breakfast; telephone operators, fixed and mobile telephony, audiovisual systems and wifi; building materials (ceramics, sanitary ware, glass); OLTA On Line Travel Agencies and Metamotori; integrated platforms with booking engine and CRO Central Reservation Office, revenue management; interior design and construction, redevelopments; energy services, fire prevention systems; financial services (insurance, banks, credit card networks); social media; management hardware and software technologies; web advertising, web marketing, web design.

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