There is a desire for Italy and travelers from all over the world are looking for it more and more. This is what emerges from the data coming from the first international metasearch of flights and represent the travel intentions of users around the world.
Italy, which is currently the second most searched country in the world, has reversed its negative trend since the beginning of April thanks to the improvement of the health situation and the easing of restrictions: since then it has not stopped and, every day, more and more travelers looking for a flight to reach the Bel Paese.
During the last thirty days the total number of searches increased by 25% compared to the same previous period, growing on average by 2,1% daily: it is a now consolidated trend, which does not seem to have been influenced by the fear of the new variant but which, on the contrary, has strengthened since June.
Rome the most requested
The greatest interest is in the most important Italian cities: Rome, with 2,8 million searches, is the most searched for and represents 15,4% of the total; in second place Milan (2,5 million) and then Napoli (1,4 million). Afterwards, interest shifts towards destinations of the South: Catania (1,4 million); Palermo (1,3 million), Bari (1,1 million), Olbia (972 thousand) and Cagliari (793 thousand).
Domestic market still the most important
Il the largest market is the domestic one, which with more than 7 million searches represents 38,2% of the total. Italians predominantly search flights departing in July, especially on weekends. The periods with greatest demand are the first weeks of July and the first week of August. There is, for the moment, no peak for the weekend of August. 71,9% of searches are made by single travellers, while 21,3% are couples. Families represent only 6,2% and groups even less, with the remaining 0,6%.
The Spaniards are the most interested in Italy
Regarding foreigners, the most interested in Italy are the Spaniards with 1,7 million searches (9,2% of the total) but their trend is negative: flights searched in the last ten days are 7,0% lower than in the previous ten days. The Spaniards are looking flights for Italy only for the month of July: after weekend of July 23-25, searches decrease significantly, canceling out in September.
Even the Germans, in second place among the most active foreign markets, have the same type of search and the majority of searches have a short booking window. The trend, however, is positive and in the last ten days travel intentions have increased by 8,6% compared to the same previous period. Among the other nationalities interested in reaching Italy, European countries follow almost exclusively: la French (5,8%), the UK (4,4%), theNetherlands (3,6), the Poland (3,6%) and the Greece (3,4%).
Long haul hasn't taken off yet
Long-range markets still have little significant weight: United States (1,6%), Brazil (1,6%), Russia (0,7%) and China (0,1%).
Posted in Destinations
the real recovery will be 2023, we are starting again
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