The number of countries that decide to tighten restrictions is increasing day by day, trying in every way to contain infections: there are those who have decided to close the borders (again), those who have reintroduced the obligation to quarantine for foreign travellers. , or who, like the Germany, decided to cancel the iconic ones Christmas markets in Bavaria.
Italy is currently considered a low-risk area but the climate of tension and uncertainty that has been created in recent weeks is discouraging Italians who want to go abroad. Precisely in what is a high season for outgoing: in fact, many Italians choose mete foreigners for the Christmas period and this year the desire to leave was even stronger, considering that last year the restrictions even prohibited travel between regions.
Italians and the desire to go abroad
Mixed feelings that can be clearly read from the digital traces left by tourists: according to the data Libra on the research of flights, Italians want to leave and in the last thirty days (10 November - 10 December) they have searched for 17,5 million flights, of which 12,7 million for destinations outside Italy.
Le destinations the most searched for are the European ones, first of all the Spain with 2,3 million flights; almost double that of French, which follows in second place with 1,2 million flights. Then follows the UK with 834 thousand flights and United States, the first long-haul market in fourth place, with 736 thousand flights: speaking of long haul, the United Arab Emirates are in eighth place thanks to strong demand for Dubai; follows the Brazil in fifteenth place e theEgypt to the twentieth.
The demand for travel abroad, therefore, is there and the desire to travel has not died down. Undoubtedly, however, it has suffered a sharp slowdown: compared to last month, searches for flights by Italian travelers decreased by 23,8%, a variation that drops to 25,2% if trips abroad are considered.

The incoming of Germany and Austria collapses
La Germany, which is experiencing a very complicated health situation, has lost almost half of the Italian market: -46,4% of searches in a few weeks, also thanks to the announcement of a possible lockdown and the cancellation of the famous Bavarian markets. Me too'Austria records a significant loss (-44,2% of searches): also in this case the collapse in demand is mainly due to the reintroduction of restrictions, in particular the ban on entry into the country for non-vaccinated people. Also for theNetherlands there was a sharp decline in Italian demand (-42,7%), as well as for Czech Republic (-33,2%), on UK (-30,2%), on Belgium (-29,3%), on Portugal (-28,4%) and the Greece (-27,6%).
Posted in Destinations, Digital Travel
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