Italy in second place among the most searched countries in Europe

According to data on airline flight searches (coming from the largest international flight metasearch), the Italian performance appears to be encouraging for the first months of 2021 as well.
Air flight search European countries 2021
Air flight search European countries 2021

2020, as we already know, was a critical year, especially for the tourism sector: a few months before the start of 2021, operators are still crying out for emergency and the restart still seems far away, despite the spring-summer season being upon us .

While the development of a European health passport is still under discussion and the first tourist corridors take shape, Italy's performance gives timid hope for the future. Already in 2020, according to the UNWTO, the Belpaese suffered a lower drop in foreign tourists than that of other countries, losing "only" 51% of arrivals and thus becoming the second tourist destination in the world.

«The pandemic has caused a collapse in world tourism, but also a real earthquake in long-established rankings» Luca Martucci

Considering that Italy had been stuck in fifth place for many years (after French, Spain, United States e China), this “shuffling” could turn into an opportunity. Or maybe we should make it so.

According to research data from flights planes (coming from the largest international metasearch of flights), even for the first months of 2021 the Italian performance seems to be encouraging.

Air flight search European countries 2021
Research flights planes European countries 2021

Italy is currently the second most searched country in Europe, while it is fifth worldwide United States, Russia, Spain e Brazil. 12% of travelers around the world are searching flights to reach the peninsula and from January 3st to today searches have slowly (but constantly) increased at an average rate of XNUMX%.

We are still very far from recovering pre-Covid values ​​(the searches in January 2020 were seven times those of January 2021), but it can be said that there is a strong interest in our country, strong enough to overcome important competitors, like the Mediterranean countries (French, Greece e Turkey primarily).

At the top of the most searched regions are Lombardia (22% of searches) e Lazio (18%), thanks to the large traffic in the capitals; they follow Sicilia (17%), Veneto (8%) and Campania (8%). In particular, in addition to the airports of Rome e Milan (which together represent 38% of total searches), travelers seem to be most interested in the cities of Catania, Napoli, Palermo, Venice, Bari e Bologna. Important results also for the airports of Cagliari, Torino and Lamezia Terme.

Distribution of research among the Italian regions
Distribution of research among the Italian regions

This type of information reflects travellers' interest in a particular destination, projecting travel planning to future dates. At the moment, in fact, travel is still highly limited, but it is important to know that in the first two months of the year there were more than 10 million users interested in our country: an interest that should be cultivated, consolidated and nurtured, until in which Italy will reopen its doors to tourism.

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