You will have already seen them in the new agency catalogues, or perhaps in some real of Instagram but we are sure that Corfu, Mykonos and Ibiza need no introduction. In recent months these destinations, among the most famous in the Mediterranean, have seen a true rebirth of the tourism sector: data on searches for flights they tell us that travel demand grew a lot in the spring months, especially from mid-April, and then stabilized in June.
In the last thirty days (30 May - 29 June) the average daily rate of change in demand was -0,34% for Corfu, while for Ibiza and Mykonos it was +0,50%. However, the number of searches carried out in this period is very high: Ibiza 4,5 million, Mykonos 2,0 million and Corfu 1,8 million.

Tourists who want to go to Corfu mainly choose two periods: the last weeks of June and, above all, the initial weeks of August. Travel demand for July is still very high, but lies between two significant peaks. The August peak is supported almost exclusively by the Italian market: Italians are the users with the highest number of searches for flights to Corfu, 33% of which depart between 1st and 18th August. The demand for the end of June is supported not only by the Italians, but also by the English and Germans. Tourists who want to go to Corfu are mainly European: the American market is not in the market Top 10, and this is a trend shared by all three islands.
Also for Mykonos the Italians are in first place in the ranking but in this case we could almost speak of a monopoly: they account for 40,2% of the total searches. The English market, in second place, accounts for 14,7%. Inevitably, the market trends of this island are strongly influenced by the travel tastes of Italians and in fact the most popular period to reach Mykonos is the first half of August. The demand for June and July, however, is equally divided between Italians, English, Greeks and Spanish. Tourists are also interested in traveling in the low season: as regards September, the searches come mainly from Italians and English.
Most of the searches done to reach Ibiza come from Italy, Spain e UK: together they represent approximately 69% of the total demand. Even for Ibiza, tourists mainly choose two periods, but the demand in this case is less concentrated. Those most interested in June are the Spanish and the Germans, who especially prefer the central weeks of the month, while the Italians support the demand for August in this case too. Travel demand for Ibiza has a shorter seasonality than the others, since after a maximum peak on August 12th, demand drops quickly.
Posted in Destinations
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