Italo train to Brescia from March 2016: timetables and offers

The Italo train network is expanding: starting from March it will also arrive in Brescia. Tickets already on sale.
Italo train arrives in Brescia
Italo train arrives in Brescia

The high-speed railway network also makes its debut in Brescia: Italo Treno is in fact arriving on the platforms of the station of the Lombard city, starting from next March 1st 2016. In particular, the Brescia stop will fall within the scope of the route Napoli - Rome - Florence - Bologna - Verona, just with an extension that will go from Verona in Brescia.
Not all the trains already scheduled on this backbone will make the journey to Brescia but the NTV company has decided - to start - to schedule 4 connections of this type per day: two that will start from Brescia and two that will instead end their journey here race.

The times at the moment are as follows: the start of the Italo race from Brescia is set at 5 am or - for the second daily journey - at 46 am. Definitely soon. The returns were scheduled at 19pm and 17pm. As regards travel coupons, it is already possible to purchase tickets for journeys to and from Brescia.
To launch the new stop on the high-speed line served by NTV, it was decided to develop the "Brescia Special" offer, with the sale of tickets at a promotional price 50% off the usual price.

The offer is valid for the seats available in the Smart, eXtra Large and Prima environments.
For further clarification or to proceed with the purchase of tickets, we recommend consulting the official website

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