Procession of the Dead Christ in Chieti

The Procession of the Dead Christ, in Chieti, takes place on Good Friday and is one of the most exciting and heartfelt celebrations in all of Italy: the hooded procession of the ancient Brotherhoods moves through the streets of the city, among the splendor of wooden statues of 1800 and the emotional Miserere performed by one hundred male voices and violins.

La Procession of the Dead Christ, in Chieti, takes place on the occasion of Good Friday and is one of the most exciting and heartfelt celebrations in all of Italy: the hooded procession of the ancient Confraternities moves through the streets of the city, among the splendor of wooden statues from the 1800th century and the exciting Wretched raised by a hundred male voices and violins.
La Procession of the Dead Christ it is an integral part of the popular feeling of Chieti, to the point that not even the threat of German troops during the Second World War was able to stop it: it is a ritual born in the year 842, strongly rooted in the most genuine Abruzzo traditions, still cared for byArchconfraternity of the Sacred Mount of the Dead.

At the first signs of sunset, the city - illuminated by the candles lit by thousands of faithful and by the tripods placed in the streets - prepares to see the wooden statues symbolizing the Passion of Jesus and the transposition of the most important moments of Way of the cross.
These works of art, dating back to 1855, depict the angel, the bag, the spears, the rooster, the ladder, the tongs and of course the Cross.
At the edges of the streets, from the balconies overlooking the route, silk drapes descend, precious blankets and fine fabrics laid out as a sign of devotion.
Meanwhile, the procession swells with faithful and participants in the procession, hooded figures wearing the dress belonging to each Brotherhood.

The strongest and most important focal point is obviously the passage of Dead Christ, barely covered by a precious white veil, placed on a coffin wrapped in black velvet on gold embroidery. This fascinating work of art, a prominent element of the Procession of the Dead Christ, is carried on the shoulders by members of the Archconfraternity of the Good Death.
Immediately behind, there it is statue of the Virgin of Sorrows which continues on the Holy path, while in diffusion you can hear the notes of Miserere by Saverio Selecchy.

La Procession of the Dead Christ in Chieti it is a popular, artistic, religious event; an opportunity to experience feelings of devotion with traditions rooted over the centuries.

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    • To attend the procession of the Dead Crucifix on Friday, we recommend that you contact the parish or event organizer directly to obtain detailed information on how to participate and times. Additionally, you may want to check the parish website or look for information on social media for any updates on the event. Happy participation in the procession!

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