La Necropolis of Banditaccia in Cerveteri, in Lazio, is the main burial area of ancient times Caere, where most of the monumental tombs are concentrated. It is an immense complex (the presence of approximately 20.000 chamber tombs in this necropolis alone is estimated) with characteristics of absolute uniqueness.
The necropolises of Cerveteri and Tarquinia have been included in the World Heritage List UNESCO in 2004 and constitute the first example of sites referable to the Etruscan civilisation.
In some tombs (tomb of the Capitals, of the large Tumulus II with the tombs of the funeral beds, of the Hut, of the Greek vases and of the Dolii, of the tombs of the Pillar, of the Cornice and of the House) multimedia installations have been created that evoke the ancient world that created this place.
The oldest tombs in the Necropolis of Banditaccia in Cerveteri I'm type a well, with cremations within biconical vases, and of the pit type for inhumations.
From the XNUMXth century BC, with the prevalence of the rite of inhumation, large mounds developed with funerary chambers dug into the tuff and decorated with motifs inspired by the forms of domestic architecture.
These monuments, which belonged to high-ranking families, have yielded rich furnishings where the frequent presence of materials imported from Near East and from Greece.
During the XNUMXth century. BC, the typology of the mound, now of medium and small shapes, was accompanied and progressively established by the cube tombs aligned regularly along the sepulchral paths and the machicolation ones.
During the XNUMXth century. BC the type of hypogeum consisting of a single room and with platforms against the walls is widespread, compared to which the more imposing funerary monuments belonging to families of noble rank constitute isolated episodes.
And 'the case of Tomb of the Reliefs which, located inside the Banditacia Enclosure, displays on its walls a rich parade of everyday objects rendered in stucco and paintings, as well as, among the tombs 'of the Municipality', they remember those of the Alcove, Sarcophagi, from the Triclinium, Tamsnie, monuments that like the Torlonia Tomb in the necropolis of Mount Abatone, offer testimony to the exceptional nature of the experiences of ancient funerary architecture Caere.
Cerveteri: see also
Tumulo Regolini Galassi and Necropolis of Sorbo
The tomb Regolini Galassi mound it was discovered intact in 1836 and very famous for the rich objects preserved in it Vatican Museums, dates back to the mid-XNUMXth century. BC Inscribed in a mound, it is composed of two long and narrow rooms aligned with each other and two lateral rooms with an oval plan, with a roof made of large square blocks which with a progressive overhang close the tomb at the top, forming an ogive-type vault .
It welcomed three individuals, one incinerated and two buried. Among the objects in the grave goods, a silver amphora bearing the inscription 'I larthia'(I am from Larth) lets us know the name of the prince buried in the tomb.