Leonardo's Last Supper, Milan

Leonardo painted the Last Supper in the Refectory of the convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie at the behest of Ludovico il Moro, in a period of time ranging from 1494 to 1497.

Leonardo's Last Supper, Milan
Leonardo's Last Supper, Milan

Leonardo's Last Supper, Milan. Since Leonardo was painting on a wall, he did not rely on the traditional and resistant fresco technique, which requires a quick application of the color on the still wet plaster, but wanted to experiment with an innovative method that would allow him to work on the dry plaster. and, therefore, to be able to return to the work several times, taking care of every single detail.

Unfortunately, Leonardo's intuitions turned out to be wrong and soon, due to an unfortunate combination of causes, the painting began to deteriorate.

Over the centuries, consequently, many restorations took place in a desperate attempt to save the masterpiece. In 1999, after over twenty years of work, the last conservative intervention was concluded which, thanks to the removal of many repaintings, brought to light what remained of the original drafts.

Information for the visit

Booking costs do not apply to school groups, for which the flat rate of 5,00 euros per group is adopted. Reservation for entry is mandatory. Entrance to the museum on the first Sunday of the month is free, but booking is mandatory. To book or purchase: tel. +39 0292800360. Visits last 15 minutes for a maximum number of 30 people at a time.
Information on the Last Supper: Piazza Santa Maria delle Grazie, 2 – Milan

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