Teate – Remains of the Roman city, Chieti

Teate - Remains of the Roman city Chieti
Teate - Remains of the Roman city Chieti
The Roman city Telate was built on a hill between the Pescara and Allento rivers, on a site frequented since protohistoric times. The town developed considerably in the XNUMXst century BC, when it became a Roman municipality with the name of Telate Marrucino rum. 
The most important archaeological remains, located in the public area of ​​the city, are the Civitella, the theatre, the baths and the Roman temples.
In the archaeological area of ​​Civitella, terracottas, statues and decorations from temples from the Republican era (XNUMXst century BC) and an amphitheater from the XNUMXst century AD were found.
On the slopes of the Civitella hill are the remains of the Roman theater (XNUMXst century AD), incorporated into the city fabric; the perimeter wall of the cavea and some remains of the semicircular corridor on two levels can be distinguished.
On the eastern slopes of the hill stood the baths (XNUMXnd century AD), a vast complex with mosaic decorations, divided into various rooms and fed by the underground cistern overlooking the baths.
The remains of three Roman temples from the imperial age stand out in the ancient forum; Mosaic floors and opus quadratum structures dating back to an older place of worship were found on the site.

Information on Teate – Remains of the Roman city

Via delle Terme Romane
66100 Chieti (Chieti)

visit on request

 Source: MIBACT

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